
Large Business Customer Resources

Large businesses help drive the economy of the communities we serve. We’re here to help you maximize your energy efficiency while also providing you with the guidance and support you need to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Enova account.

This page contains resources that you can use to manage your account and find service request forms that will help you grow and support your business.

How Can We Help You?

Key Account Support and Management

We have the expertise and practical solutions to provide high-quality service to our large business customers. Our Key Accounts team is ready to serve you and provide advice, solutions and resources to help you manage your energy costs, improve your sustainability, power quality and more   

We offer assistance to our large business customers in a number of areas including:

  • Billing, rates and supply:
    We can help you understand how your energy usage and demand impact your utility bill. We can also assist in power quality analysis and reliability planning.

  • Energy efficiency and management:
    Take advantage of our years of energy efficiency experience by scheduling a facility assessment. We can provide you with a quantitative analysis of your energy-saving opportunities and available incentives.

  • Benchmarking, monitoring and reporting:
    If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. Let us model your facility’s energy data so you can monitor and control your energy usage before it becomes waste. We can generate reports to use for EWRB and other purposes.

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DER):
    Solar photovoltaic, thermal storage and batteries are some types of DERs used to meet energy needs. They can serve multiple purposes and should be considered in conjunction with a load management strategy to optimize efficacy.

  • Electrification:
    As the prices of renewable electricity and electric equipment continue to drop, now is the time to start planning for an electrified future. Be it your fleet, process equipment, heating and cooling, or anything in between, we can guide you in the right direction so you’re not faced with service capacity issues when the time comes.

Contact Our Key Accounts team today

Our experts are available to help you with your account management needs. Email us at keyaccounts@enovapower.com or call 226-896-2200 and see how we can help you today.
Click here to see a brief presentation outlining how Enova’s Key Accounts team can help you.


Enova’s Key Accounts Webinars

  • In July 2024, we hosted a webinar with Grand River Energy that covered essential topics like Investment Tax Credits (ITCs), finding and securing available grants, accessing low-interest financing, and leveraging an energy-as-a-service (EaaS) business model to procure low-carbon technologies.

    Learn more by watching the presentation video or viewing the slide deck.

  • In May 2024, we hosted a webinar looking at the benefits of clean energy.
    Watch the presentation video to learn more.

  • In April 2024 we hosted a presentation by Steve Dixon. The Seven Steps: A Methodical Approach to Finding Energy Savings Opportunities.

    Watch the presentation to review the information.

  • In January 2024 we hosted a webinar featuring Enova’s billing supervisor, Justin Ali, on understanding your electricity bill and rates and Utilismart expert, Eric Frappier, on how to utilize their dashboard to understand your electricity usage and demand.

    See the slide deck from the presentation.

  • In July 2023 we hosted presentation by the Renteknik Group examining sub-metering technology and the value of real-time device-level data.

    See the slide deck or watch the presentation to review the information.

Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking Regulation of Ontario

Large building owners are required to report their energy, water and greenhouse gas emissions to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines on an annual basis under the Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) regulation.

The EWRB is designed to improve energy and water efficiency in large, privately-owned buildings. This regulation applies to privately-owned buildings that are 50,000 square feet or larger, including commercial buildings, multi-unit residential buildings (with more than 10 units), and some industrial buildings. 

When Do I Need To Report?

The year you are required to begin reporting depends on the size of your property.

If you own a building that is 50,000 square feet or larger, you may need to report your building’s annual consumption to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines by July 1 each year.

Please note, you’re reporting on the previous year’s consumption (so your July 1, 2022 submission will be based on 2021 consumption data).

The EWRB reporting requirements are being phased in based on the size of your building, as shown in the following table:

Deadline for Reporting to Ministry of Energy, Northern Development, and MinesCommercial and Industrial Building Gross Floor Area
July 1 each year beginning July 1, 2018250,000 square feet and larger
July 1 each year beginning July 1, 2019100,000 square feet and larger
July 1, 2023
(usage for the 2022 calendar year)
50,000 square feet and larger

How Do I Request My Data?

Please note, water consumption information will be provided by the City of Waterloo, the City of Kitchener, the Township of Wilmot, the Township of Woolwich, or the Region of Waterloo, depending on your property’s location.

Please submit your request(s) for information as soon as possible. Requests can take up to four weeks to process. 

Follow these steps to request your data:

  1. Complete and submit our online form.
  2. Review Process:
    If we need more information, one of our representatives will contact you to obtain the information needed to complete your request.
  3. Data Submission
    Once we have received, reviewed and verified your information, we will process your request and send you the yearly aggregated electricity consumption data for your property as quickly as possible.

 *The EWRB Request Form is also available as a PDF if required. Please email us to request a PDF version of the form.

What Do I Need To Begin My Application?

Before you start your application, we will need:

  1. At least one account number for each address that is part of the property.
  2. The electronic bill verification code from your most recent bill.
  3. The service address for the property you are requesting data for.
  4. The EWRB Number provided to you by the Ministry of Energy for the property. If you do not have an EWRB number, you can get one from the Ministry of Energy by emailing EWRBSupport@ontario.ca or calling 1-844-274-0689.
  5. Square footage information for the property

Click here to access our EWRB Request Form.

Where Can I Get More Information?

There are several resources available to assist you in better understanding the Energy and Water Reporting Benchmarking Regulation: 

Who Can I Contact With Questions?

To learn more about the regulation, including how to report your data, and the deadline to report, please consult Ontario Regulation 20/17 and visit Ontario.ca/energyreporting.

If you require assistance at any time, our Key Account team is available to assist you. Please contact us at keyaccounts@enovapower.com with any questions you may have.

Industrial Conservation Initiative

The Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines announced an Industrial Conservation Initiative peak hiatus to allow industrial and commercial businesses to focus on recovering from the impacts of COVID-19. The Ministry news release is available here.

Effective immediately, Class A customers will not need to anticipate and reduce their electricity demand during peak hours for the current base period (May 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021).  Class A customers will maintain their peak demand factor from the 2019-2020 base period to determine their Global Adjustment charges in July 2021 to June 2022 adjustment period. For additional information, please refer to http://www.ieso.ca/sector-participants/settlements/global-adjustment-class-a-eligibility.

What is the Industrial Conservation Initiative?

The Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) is a demand-response program aimed at shifting large electricity users’ consumption to off-peak hours, when the Ontario system is at its highest demand. This allows customers to manage their Global Adjustment by reducing demand during on-peak hours.

Customers who participate in the ICI, referred to as Class A, pay Global Adjustment based on their percentage contribution to the top-five peak Ontario demand hours over a 12-month period.

Who is Eligible?

Customers who are eligible to participate in the ICI include:

  • Customers in the manufacturing sector, as well as greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production facilities with an average monthly peak demand of greater than 500 kW and less/equal to 1 MW are eligible to opt-in to the ICI if their establishment NAICS codes start with the digits “31,” “32,” “33,” or “114.”
  • All customers with an average peak demand of more than 1 MW, up to and including 5 MW are eligible to opt-in to the ICI.
  • Consumers with an average peak demand greater than 5 MW are automatically included in the program and have the option to opt-out of the ICI.
  • Existing Class A customers who participated in one or more of the programs specified in  429/04and dropped below the peak demand threshold during a base period for an adjustment period that began on or after July 1, 2016, may be eligible to opt back into the initiative.

Customers with an average peak demand greater than 5 MW are automatically included in the program and have the option to opt-out of the ICI. Separate load facilities cannot be aggregated in order for a customer to qualify as Class A (even if they are under the same ownership). The Ministry of Energy requires Class A-enrolled customers to provide the address and GPS Coordinates of their head office and enrolled load facilities, as well as consent for the information to be shared with the Ministry and made public.


Each cycle of the ICI starts with a base period from May 1 – April 30. At the end of this period customers are assessed for eligibility.

Do I Qualify for the ICI?

If you are eligible to opt-in to the ICI, Waterloo North Hydro will contact you directly with information on how to register.

If you have any questions regarding eligibility for the ICI, or you believe you are eligible and have not been contacted by us, please contact our Customer Care team or call 226-896-1010.

Questions? Contact us Today

If you have any questions regarding the ICI and your eligibility, please complete our Customer Care Contact form.  You can also call us at 226-896-1010 Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. We are happy to assist you in any way we can.


All requirements related to the ICI can be found in Ontario Regulation 429/04.

Further information on Class A eligibility, including backgrounder information, Frequently Asked Questions, and a peak tracker tool is available on the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) website.

More information on the Global Adjustment is available on the IESO website.

Find your Service Area

Enter your address below to determine your service location for outage information, accessing forms and managing your account.