electrician 2

Properties in Kitchener or Wilmot

A legal and safe connection to our electricity distribution system is one of the most important steps developers and contractors must complete. We want to ensure you have the correct information on the correct types of connections and ensure you fully understand your safety rights and obligations before beginning any project. This page is your
one-stop information source for details on connections, technical guidelines, metering specifics and safety tips. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 226-896-2200 and we’d be happy to help you in any way we can. If you would like to request service, please complete our online Service Request Form.



Service Connection Process and Technical Guidelines

Find out what steps are involved in connecting your building to Enova’s electricity distribution system and understand the technical guidelines you need to follow when coordinating a new or upgraded electrical system at a property. 
Refer to the two documents below for all the information you need.

Customer Owned Equipment

In some cases, electrical equipment may belong to you and not to Enova Power Corp. (Enova)

Typically, a homeowner’s ownership of electrical equipment begins where the wires attach to their house. In some instances customers may also own hydro poles that these wires are attached to.

Enova owns and maintains the electrical equipment up to a point known as the demarcation point.

What is a demarcation point?

This is the point where Enova maintained equipment ends and customer-owned equipment begins. It is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and repair equipment that is customer owned beyond the demarcation point.

Where is my demarcation point?

To learn more about demarcation points, you can view our Conditions of Service or contact Enova’s Engineering Department. 

How to Perform Maintenance or Upgrades on Customer-Owned Equipment

If customer owned equipment such as service mast, meter base or private poles is damaged, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to arrange and pay for repairs.

Enova may have to temporarily disconnect your power if repairs are not performed and the equipment is deemed a hazard. A Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC) should perform the repairs, do not attempt to repair this equipment yourself. Powerlines are very dangerous.

Once you have hired an LEC, follow these steps to have your power reconnected.

Once repaired, you can contact Enova for service reconnect.

Below you’ll find the current electricity rates for residential customers as well as explanations to help you understand the charges on your monthly invoice.

If you have questions at any time, our Customer Care team is here to help. Call us at 226-896-2200 or complete our Customer Care Contact Form and we will help you as best we can.

For information on electricity rates in Ontario, please visit the Ontario Energy Board’s website.

Customer Owned Generation

Enova is committed to helping customers with the connection of renewable generation to our distribution system.

The documents below provide guideline for the connection of distributed generation facilities. Any customer who is interested in installing distributed generation should review the documents provided below carefully before developing a project plan and submitting a connection request.

For generation connection inquiry and connection request for residents of Kitchener, or Wilmot, please contact Enova at:

For generation facility no more than 10kW

Enova Power
Phone: 226-896-2200
Fax: 519-745-0643
Email: eclerk@enovapower.com

For generation facility above 10kW

Shaun Wang, P. Eng
System Planning & Projects Engineer
Enova Power
Phone: 519-745-4771 Ext 6312
Fax: 519-745-0643
Email: shaun.wang@enovapower.com

Get information about the latest rates related to the generation connection.

View  the system capacity in Kitchener and Wilmot available for potential generation.

As a starting point for all potential DG developers interested in connecting DG to Enova’s Distribution System who have little background on Ontario’s electricity wholesale market and renewable energy incentives, please read through the General Customer Information Package.

The following guidelines apply to the generation facilities to be connected to Enova’s distribution system.

1. Micro-Generation Facility ≤ 10kW

2. Distributed Generation Facility > 10 kW, ≤ 10MW

Generation facilities larger than 10MW may exceed the Enova’s system limit and will be subject to a special engineering review and connection process. The Customer shall contact Enova. for further information.

General Customer Information Package

Distribution System Availability

Customer Information Package for Micro Generation Facility < 10kW

Customer Guideline: How to Connect Your Generation Facility (≤10kW) Enova’s Distribution System 

Appendix A1: Fillable Form DG01 – Application Form for Micro-Generation  

Appendix B1: Metering Connection Options for Micro-Generation

Appendix C1: Micro-Generation Financial Settlement Options

Appendix D1: Form DG04 – Template of Connection Agreement  

Appendix E1: Form DG05 – New Account Application

Appendix F1: Form DG07 – Direct Deposit Form

Customer Information Package for Distributed Generation > 10kW, ≤ 10MW

Customer Guideline: How to Connect Your Generation Facility (>10kW, ≤10MW) to Enova’s Distribution System

Appendix A2: Technical Requirements for DG Connection

Appendix B2:Enova Power Corp. System Information

Appendix C2: Fillable Form DG02 – Application Form for Preliminary Review

Appendix D2: Fillable Form DG03 – Application Form for Connection Impact Assessment

Appendix E2: Form DG05 – New Account Application

Appendix F2: Form DG06 – COVER Template and Instruction

Appendix G2: Form DG07 – Direct Deposit Form

Appendix H2: Financial  Settlement Options

Requesting a Disconnect or Reconnect

Temporary Disconnect and Reconnects

You may need a temporary disconnect to perform upgrades or maintenance for your electrical equipment such as a service entrance panel, service mast or to perform tree trimming on your property.

Enova will provide you with a temporary service disconnect to allow you to do this maintenance safely. The first disconnect of each calendar year is provided at no charge. Additional service disconnects within the same calendar year may incur a fee.

Please note that if the nature of the work you are performing requires an Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) inspection, we will not reconnect your service without ESA’s authorization. We recommend that you hire a Licensed Electrical Contractor to perform electrical work.

Permanent Disconnect

Looking to permanently disconnect your service? Please fill out our service disconnect form.

Please allow 5 business days for your request to be processed. One of our Engineering Technicians will contact you directly to set up an appointment time that works with your schedule.

New or Upgraded Electrical Service

There could be many reasons you may need a new or upgraded electrical service – such as added living space through a renovation, putting in a new pool, installing additional appliances or building a new home.

If you are looking to add a new service or upgrade your existing service for your home or business, please review our Conditions of Service.

Next, complete the New Service Application Form and submit it to our Engineering department. One of our Engineering Technicians will review the scope of your project.

Once our team has all of the required details, we can provide you with an estimate for the upgraded service. Please allow 10 business days for your request to be processed.

If you are a home builder or developer looking to request multiple service connections for a multi-residential property, please contact our Engineering Department.