net metering

Net Metering and Distributed Energy Resources

We are committed to improving the services we offer and embracing new technologies. We have a number of programs in place that allow you to embrace electricity generation and offset your electricity costs through initiatives and credits.

How can we help you today?

Enova Power Corp.'s Feeders Restricted For Generation

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I am looking for information on Net Metering

If you’re a net metering customer, or you are curious about applying, we have created a helpful list of frequently asked questions to assist you in learning more.

Remember to ensure your property is eligible and has capacity before you start work or purchase equipment.

Net Metering allows you to better manage your energy costs through the installation of renewable resources. If you’re producing more renewable energy than you can use, we will take what you’ve got leftover. You’ll receive a credit or an adjustment on your monthly hydro bill for the energy exported, up to a maximum of the value of electricity consumed from our grid. 

In return, we’ll give you a credit on your bill so it can be applied to help you pay when you’re not generating as much as you have used. 

For details and eligibility requirements, see Ontario Regulation 541/05.

Once you have met all the technical requirements, we will install a bidirectional meter at your location. The meter measures the electricity that you draw (or consume) from the grid and it also measures the electricity that you produce (or generate) and send to the distribution system.

As per Ontario Regulation 541/05, using meter readings, on a monthly basis we will calculate the value of the energy you took (or consumed) from the grid as well as the value of the energy you sent (or generated) to the grid. You will essentially pay the difference (or “net”) between the two.

Step 1: Complete the “Preliminary Consultation Information Request” (PCIR) form and submit it via the email address provided on the form.

Step 2: Once the customer receives the response from Enova regarding the PCIR, the customer to submit the completed “Connection Impact Assessment Application” as per the instructions.

Step 3: Enova to issue the Preliminary Impact Study Agreement, which includes a request for payment to conduct the Connection Impact Assessment (CIA). The customer must sign the agreement and submit payment.

Check Enova’s fee schedule for the appropriate costs.

Step 4: Enova to issue the Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) report, along with the Connection Cost Estimate and allocate capacity on the grid.

For generators connected to HydroOne owned stations, a HydroOne CIA report will be required for capacity allocation.

Step 5: The customer to accept the Connection Cost Estimate and notify Enova.

Step 6: Enova to issue the Connection Cost Agreement (CCA), requesting payment from the customer along with the service drawing.

The CCA cost is project specific, based on design and requirements. Enova does not have a standard CCA schedule.

Step 7: The customer to submit the signed Connection Cost Agreement along with payment and begin construction. The customer must follow the design and technical parameters outlined by Enova in the service drawing, CIA and CCA.

Step 8: After construction is completed, the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to send the Connection Authorization to Enova.

Step 9: The customer to complete and submit the “Confirmation of Verification Evidence Report” (Cover) for approval.

Step 10: Enova to witness the commissioning on site.

Step 11: The customer to submit the final Cover to Enova.

Step 12: Enova to issue the Connection Agreement along with the Connection Approval letter.

Step 13: The customer is now connected to the Enova’s grid.

Step 1: Complete the “Enova Power Net Metering Package” and submit it via the email address provided on the form.

Step 2: Enova to review the submission. If acceptable, Enova to issue a layout/Offer to Connect outlining the requirements and the connection fee.

Step 3: The customer will pay the connection fee as per the Offer to Connect and begin on-site construction.

Protection settings must be in accordance with the Enova Power Net Metering Package.

Step 4: The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to send the Connection Authorization to Enova.

Step 5: Contact Enova to schedule on-site work, including the installation of a bi-directional meter, as outlined in the Offer to Connect.

Step 6: The customer is now connected to the Enova’s grid.

Residential and eligible commercial net metering customers now have three pricing plans to choose from. You may be able to save money by choosing the pricing plan that fits the needs of you and your family, depending on when and how you use or generate electricity.

What are my options?

  • Time-of-Use: Time-of-Use divides the day into three pricing periods based on provincial demand. You can better control your electricity costs by shifting your heaviest electricity consumption, such as doing laundry or running the dishwasher to off-peak periods. Time-of-Use is the default price plan for all residential and small business customers.
  • Tiered: With Tiered Pricing, you can use a certain amount of electricity at one (lower) price. If you exceed that limit, called a threshold, you will be charged a higher rate for the rest of the electricity you consume during that billing period.
  • Ultra-Low Overnight: Customers who use or generate most of their electricity overnight may benefit from switching to the Ultra-Low Overnight rate. Shift workers, customers who charge electric vehicles, and others may take advantage of significantly reduced overnight pricing while seeing higher pricing during the day. On the Time-of-Use or Ultra-Low Overnight Rate plan you’ll receive generation credits based on the time of day you generate electricity.

To compare pricing plans using your electricity use, visit the Ontario Energy Board’s website at

How can I switch my pricing plan? Switching your pricing plan is easy. Visit and learn how to choose the pricing plan that’s right for you.

Effective in 2025, net metering customers are only eligible to receive an HST credit on their generation if they have an HST registration number.

Please provide us with your HST number to continue receiving this credit.

If you do not have an HST number and would like to apply for one, contact the Canada Revenue Agency.

Some months you might generate more than you consume. This might occur in the summer months when sunshine is in abundance. In these circumstances, you will accumulate generation credits that can be used towards future consumption charges.

Under Ontario Regulation 541/05, we cannot pay you for excess generation. Excess generation accumulates as generation credits to be used against future consumption charges only.

Some months you might consume more than you generate. During the winter months, most systems generate less electricity and you will likely draw more electricity from the grid than you produce. In these months, you will be able to use the generation credits that you have previously accumulated.

For more information, consult Ontario Regulation 541/05.

Generation credits will not carry forward indefinitely. In compliance with Ontario Regulation 541/05., Enova will apply generation credits to your bill when you have  consumed more electricity than you have generated in a month. Any generation credits left over after 12 months will expire.

Details about your generation credits, including available balance and the number of periods left in your 12-month generation cycle, can be found in the section of your Enova bill called “Your Generation Credit Summary.”

Load displacement refers to a generation facility that’s connected on the customer side of a connection point where the output is used exclusively for your own consumption. 

It allows you to offset your consumption, and better manage your energy requirements, and cost, through generation. 

Load displacement has a number of potential advantages, including:

  • Lowered energy costs as you can charge your battery during off-peak rates and use it during peak times to help reduce your energy costs
  • Enhanced energy resiliency during outages as it serves as an alternate source of power
  • Helps mitigate impacts of rising rates as it offsets energy costs

For more information on load displacement and how we can help, email us today.

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