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Your net metering bill has changed, effective January 27, 2025

Transparency is one of our core values, and we’ve changed our net metering bill to make it easier for you to understand.

We’ll show you both consumption and generation details on your bill. You’ll see a detailed breakdown of all charges and fees associated with your bill.

Your new bill looks different. To see how it has changed, use our bill explainer tool below.

Your net metering bill explained

Enova's new net metering bill

The physical address for this account.

The total amount due on the invoice due date.

The excess consumption for the billing period.

The due date of your current invoice.

The Electricity Details section displays your excess
consumption and excess generation over the current billing period, the previous billing period, and the same
period in the previous year.

The Charges & Credits Summary includes:

  • Previous Balance: the total charges on your previous invoice.
  • Adjustments: Late charges, bill corrections, or other charges on your previous invoice.
  • Payments Received: Total payments received since your previous invoice.
  • Charges this Period: Total charges for your current bill period.
  • Total Amount Due: The total amount owing by the invoice due date. The amount includes the current billing period charges and any unpaid amounts from previous billing periods.

This section contains important news and announcements from Enova Power Corp.

There are many ways to contact Enova Power Corp., including by mail, in-person, by phone, by email, or online through Enova's website. 

The payment slip portion of your bill provides a quick summary of your current invoice period, total charges, and payment due date. If you are mailing your payment, or making a payment in person, please include this portion of your bill with your payment.

Example Bill page2

The Electricity Consumption portion of your bill shows your total consumption broken into tiers, or pricing periods, depending on the rate plan you are using.

The Electricity Generation portion of your bill shows your total generation over the billing period broken into tiers, or pricing periods, depending on the rate plan you are using.

The Delivery section shows the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations across the province to Enova Power Corp. and then to your home or business. These charges include the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and operate provincial and local electricity systems. A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use. You may also receive a credit in this section, depending on how much electricity you generated during the invoice period.

The Regulatory Charges portion includes charges to cover the cost to operate the wholesale electricity market. Charges are applied to both the electricity you consume and the electricity you generate.

In the Electricity Charges section, we've provided more detail on your consumption and generation charges according to your price plan.

We've separated fixed and variable charges on the delivery and regulatory sections of the bill. You'll see exactly how your total bill was calculated.

The Total Generation Adjustments section shows you whether you used or earned credits during the billing period, which will be applied to your bank.

The total amount owing by your due date. This amount includes the current billing period charges, as well as any unpaid amounts from previous billing periods.

The Glossary of Terms provides information and definitions of terms found in your Enova Power Corp. invoice.

This section shows the pricing periods, tiers, and thresholds associated with your selected pricing plan.

Example Bill page3

This section provides a quick snapshot of your credits earned and used over the past invoice period and lets you know how much credit you have remaining. When credits expire it will be reflected in this section.

Included in this section:

  • Net Generation Credit Opening Balance: The existing generation credits in your bank as of the end of the previous billing period.
  • Expired Generation Credits: The amount of credits expiring before this billing period.
  • Credits Generated This Period: The total amount of generation credits you earned during this billing period.
  • Credits Applied This Period: The total amount of generation credits applied to your invoice during this invoice period. This includes credits from your bank and credits generated during this billing period.
  • Total Generation Adjustments: The total amount of credits used or earned credits during the billing period, which will be applied to your bank.
  • Net Generation Credit Closing Balance: The credit amount remaining in your bank following this billing period.
  • Number of Periods with Generation Credits Carried Forward: This shows the number of consecutive months you’ve carried a credit forward on your account. After 12 months, credits will expire and this number will reset to zero.

The Electricity Details section includes:

  • Meter #: The number associated with your electricity meter.
  • Reading Type: This shows if your metering reading was actual or estimated.
  • Number of Days: The number of days in your billing period for this invoice.
  • Previous Read kWh: The meter reading at the beginning of your billing period.
  • Current Read kWh: The meter reading at the end of your billing period.
  • Multiplier: A multiplier is used when the service requires measuring equipment to step down values for the meter to measure. The multiplier is used to to determine actual usage.
  • Measured kWh: The total measured kWh for the billing period.
  • Adjustment Factor: When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed, or lost, as heat. In calculating your electricity costs for the billing period, your Measured Consumption is multiplied by this approved adjustment factor to account for those losses. Note that losses are not calculated on electricity generated.
  • Adjusted kWh: The measured kWh, multiplied by the Adjustment Factor.

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