
Enova Power Corp. expands its electric fleet and adds more public chargers

Enova Power Corp. (Enova) has expanded its fleet of electric vehicles with the addition of four 2023 Hyundai Kona Electric Vehicles.

The four new vehicles brings Enova’s fleet of electric vehicles to five, including a 2013 Ford Focus.

Transportation accounts for almost half the greenhouse gas emissions in Waterloo Region, and with 134 vehicles on the road every day, including large bucket trucks and pick up trucks, it makes sense for Enova to look at opportunities to reduce emissions in its fleet.

“We pay close attention to our energy consumption and how we use it and as part of our tracking, we discovered that most Enova vehicles travel less than 100 kilometres each day, which is well within the range of an electric vehicle,” says Will Stratford, Director of Corporate Services for Enova.

The EVs are replacing combustion vehicles that are being retired as part of Enova’s routine fleet management program, replacing minivans that have reached their end of useful life.

But what about electric bucket trucks?

“Electric bucket truck technology isn’t quite where we need it to be,” says Will. “We need trucks that can handle a lot of use safely and reliably. We’re paying attention to what is out there, but we haven’t yet found a vehicle that meets our needs and is in our budget.”

Making it easier to access charging stations

Enova has been supporting the adoption of electric vehicles for years. In addition to building its fleet of electric vehicles, the utility has six charging stations available for public use at its office on Country Squire Road in Waterloo. The Level 2 chargers were installed in 2022, complementing an older model that was installed in 2018.

“We were able to keep the cost of the new chargers down thanks to a grant that covered 50 per cent of the installation through Green Economy Canada,” says Will.

The chargers were installed with the potential to expand, so the transformer they are connected to can accommodate up to 16 chargers. They are available for public use 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and cost $1 per hour to charge.

The chargers were purchased through Alliance Metering Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Enova Energy Corporation.

“Electrification is essential to Canada’s zero-emissions strategy and we’re excited to play our part,” adds Will.  

Helping customers navigate the world of electric vehicles

Part of Enova’s business strategy is to help customers understand electric vehicles and some of the new technologies that come with electric vehicle ownership. The utility recently enhanced its website with more information to help customers navigate the electric vehicle revolution, and will be introducing the new Ultra-Low Overnight rate in the fall.

The work includes exploration of an electric vehicle charging program, and enhanced fleet planning support.

“We’re walking the talk and sharing what we learn in the hopes we can make it easier for our customers,” says Jeff Quint, Manager, Innovation and Communications. “We’re looking at what we need as we move down the path, and then finding ways to offer that and lower the barrier for entry.”

For more information about electric vehicles and things to consider when buying an electric vehicle, visit enovapower.com/evs.

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