ngp 011

Traffic Safety and Projects Affecting You

We work around the clock to ensure our customers have power they can rely on. Whether we’re completing scheduled maintenance or working through an unplanned power outage, our crews are working in the communities we serve.

We want to keep them safe, and we want to ensure you and your family stay safe through work zones and construction sites.

Please keep these tips in mind while travelling through work zones and construction sites. Help keep your community safe.

  • Short-term projects may require crews to temporarily control traffic, create detours, or close roads. If you see Enova crews on your road, follow the signs and slow down.
  • Watch for trucks turning and backing up.
  • Slow down and watch for crew members when driving through work and construction zones.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions like smartphones and GPS devices.
  • Walk only on sidewalks or designated walkways.
  • Ask for help if you require assistance walking through a work or construction area.
  • Construction signs are there for your safety and the safety of our crews and contractors. When you see a road closed sign or a detour sign, please follow it.  It keeps everyone safe.
  • Always stay alert for unexpected hazards.
  • Operations crews often use traffic control persons to stop, slow, and safely direct traffic through work sites. Always obey the flaggers, pay attention, and drive carefully.  

If you have questions about any of our work practices or want to learn more about what our crews are doing, let us know. Contact us by completing our Customer Care contact form or by phone at 226-896-2200 and we can assist you.

Current Construction Projects

Safety is about knowledge and awareness. Please see the following list of projects to learn more about where our crews may be working so you can prepare accordingly.

Which Region Do You Live In?

City of Kitchener

No projects affecting traffic. 

City of Waterloo

Union Street E. – King Street S. to Weber Street E.

  • Overhead Pole Line Rebuild
  • One lane closed. 
  • Construction – June, 2025.
Completed Project Information:
  1. Westmount Area Development Plan and Open House Information
  2. Uptown West Area Development Plan and Open House Information
Information on other completed projects is available upon request.

Township of Wellesley

No projects affecting traffic.


Information on completed and historic projects is available upon request.

Township of Wilmot

No projects affecting traffic. 

Information on completed and historic projects is available upon request.

Township of Woolwich

No projects affecting traffic.

Information on completed and historic projects is available upon request.

Find your Service Area

Enter your address below to determine your service location for outage information, accessing forms and managing your account.