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New Meter Install Request Form

Please complete this form to submit your meter install request form to our engineering department. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact us at 226-896-2200

New Meter Install Request Form

Where is the property located?(Required)

Enova Customer Information

Choose your electricity price plan. The default pricing plan for residential and small business customers is Time-of-Use pricing. If you want to learn more about Time-of-Use pricing, Tiered pricing and Ultra-Low Overnight pricing, visit the Ontario Energy Board website.(Required)
Have you previously had an account under this exact name with Enova (or the legacy utilities of Waterloo North Hydro or KitchenerWilmot Hydro).(Required)
If you answer no to this question, a security deposit may be required

New Electric Service Address

Billing Address
I hereby make application to Enova for the type of service as checked above, to be supplied at the address and on the premises described herein, with service to commence on the date shown, and I agree to pay for such services as bills are rendered for, in accordance to rates, rules and conditions of the Ontario Energy Board, the rules and regulations of Enova Power, and all acts pertaining to electricity supply services. Please refer to our Conditions of Service, found at enovapower.com/regulatory. If the applicant is a company, the signing officer(s) warrants that he/she has the authority to bind the company. The undersigned acknowledges that a contract will exist upon acceptance of this application by Enova Power.
Reset signature Signature locked. Reset to sign again

For interal use only


If you require this form in an alternate format, please call us at 226-896-1010 or email us at customercare@enovapower.com . All information submitted will be used by Enova in support of its obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998 and the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, applicable Ontario Energy Board Codes and Rules, associated policies, standards and procedures and its license. This information is being collected and used for billing and auditing purposes only. All submitted information will be assigned to the appropriate confidentiality level on receipt. This information will be retained by Enova and may be subject to review by the Minister of Finance and/or the Ontario Energy Board pursuant to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.

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