
Electricity Rates

We know that fair electricity pricing is important to you. At Enova, we work to keep our costs as low and reasonable as possible, while providing the safe and reliable electricity you need to power your life and business.

Your electricity bill is made up of electricity, delivery, distribution, and regulatory charges. All of these charges, except the distribution charge, are collected on behalf of other parties.

Below you’ll find the current electricity rates for residential customers as well as explanations to help you understand the charges on your monthly invoice.

If you have questions at any time, our Customer Care team is here to help. Contact us through our Customer Care Contact Form and we will help you as best we can.

If you’d like to switch your pricing plan, please complete our online Customer Choice Pricing Plan.

For information on electricity rates in Ontario, please visit the Ontario Energy Board’s website.

Frequent Questions about Electricity Rates:

Not every customer’s lifestyle is the same. With that in mind, we want to let you choose the electricity pricing plan that works for you. Kitchener and Wilmot residents can also switch pricing plans through this site. You may be able to save money by switching to Tiered pricing, Time-of-Use, or the Ultra-Low Overnight Rate might be best for your family.

Customers who work different shifts or are out of the house during on-peak periods may be able to use more of their electricity at times when lower off-peak prices apply. Others may favour Tiered prices because they want the flexibility to do their household chores at any time of the day, or their total usage rarely exceeds 600 kWh in a month in summer or 1,000 kWh in a month in winter. Customers who charge electric vehicles, or businesses who consume most of their electricity overnight may benefit from the Ultra Low-Overnight Pricing Plan.

What Are My Options?


TOU Pricing 2024

Time-of-Use pricing has three periods

  • On-peak, when energy demand and cost is high,
  • Mid-peak, when energy demand and cost is moderate
  • Off-peak, when energy demand and cost is low.

Time-of-Use allows you control over your electricity bill. If you can adjust your usage habits to reflect the pricing periods you can save money during hours when electricity is more expensive.

Time-of-Use pricing and periods are set by the Ontario Energy Board and are updated twice annually on May 1 and November 1.

Winter 2024-2025 Time-of-Use Rates and Schedule (Effective November 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025)

PeriodTime of DayPrice (ȼkWh)
Off-peakWeekdays: 7 pm-7 am
Weekends and Holidays: all-day
Mid-peakWeekdays  11am – 5pm12.2
On-peakWeekdays 7am – 11am and 5pm – 7pm15.8

Summer 2024 Time-of-Use Rates and Schedule (Effective November 1, 2023 – April 30, 2024)

PeriodTime of DayPrice (ȼkWh)
Off-peakWeekdays: 7 pm-7 am
Weekends and Holidays: all-day
Mid-peakWeekdays 7am – 11am and 5pm – 7pm12.2
On-peakWeekdays 11 am – 5 pm18.2

Tiered Pricing

Tiered Pricing Winter 2024
Tiered Pricing Winter 2024

With Tiered Pricing, you can use a certain amount of electricity at one (lower) price. Once you reach that limit, called a threshold, you will be charged a higher rate for the rest of the electricity you consume during that billing period.

As a Tiered Pricing customer, you can be free to use electricity at the time of day that best suits your lifestyle.

Tiered Pricing and Thresholds are set twice annually by the Ontario Energy Board. Pricing and Thresholds change on May 1 and November 1 each year.

Winter 2024 – 2025 Tiered Pricing and Thresholds (Effective November 1, 2024 until April 30, 2025)

TierPrice (ȼ/kWh)
Residential – Tier 1 (up to 1,000 kWh)9.3
Residential – Tier 2 (above 1,000 kWh)11.0
TierPrice ( ȼ/kWh)
Small Business  – Tier 1 (up to 750 kWh)10.3
Small Business  – Tier 2 (above 750 kWh)12.5

Summer 2024 Tiered Pricing and Thresholds (Effective May 1, 2024 until October 31, 2024)

TierPrice (ȼ/kWh)
Residential – Tier 1 (up to 600 kWh)10.3
Residential – Tier 2 (above 600 kWh)12.5
TierPrice ( ȼ/kWh)
Small Business  – Tier 1 (up to 750 kWh)10.3
Small Business  – Tier 2 (above 750 kWh)12.5

Ultra-Low Overnight Rate

Enova customers that use more electricity at night, including shift workers and those that electrically heat their home or charge their electric vehicle, could save up to $90 per year by shifting demand to the ultra-low overnight rate period when province-wide electricity demand is lower.

The new ultra-low overnight rate, set by the Ontario Energy Board, will be 2.8 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

Ultra-Low Overnight Rate Pricing

ULO Price PeriodsAll YearULO Prices (¢/kWh)
Ultra-Low OvernightEvery day 11pm – 7am2.8
Weekend Off-PeakWeekends and holidays 7am – 11pm7.6
Mid-PeakWeekdays 7am – 4pm and 9pm to 11pm12.2
On-PeakWeekdays 4pm – 9pm28.4

What tools are available to help me decide what price plan is best for me?

Before making the switch, it is important to understand how switching pricing plans may impact your monthly bill. We want to provide you with as much information as possible and make it easy for you to compare the two pricing plans.

There are two easy-to-use online options available for you:

  • Use the Rate Comparison Tool in My Account. This tool is quick and simple to use. All you need to do is log into My Account and make a few quick mouse clicks. The system does all the work for you – there’s no need to manually enter any consumption data from your previous bills.The tool is easy to use, simply follow these steps:
    – Log into My Account
    – Go to the Smart Meter section of your dashboard
    – Select the Price Comparison button

If you’re a Kitchener or Wilmot resident, access the Rate Comparison Tool through this My Account portal.

If you’re a resident of Waterloo, Wellesley, or Woolwich, access the tool through the My Account portal.

  • Use the Ontario Energy Board’s online bill calculator. Unlike the My Account tool, the OEB’s calculator requires you to manually enter your consumption to receive your comparison. Be sure to have copies of your previous bills available to assist you in entering accurate consumption information.


What do I need to think about when making my choice?

There are many things to consider when choosing an electricity pricing plan. Here are some things to consider when deciding what option is best for you:

Don’t worry, if you change your mind, you can change back any time you’d like.

  • Your electricity usage
    How much electricity do you use in a month? If you’re unsure, take a look at the Electricity line on your bill. You might also want to look at the historical usage graph on your bill, which shows your average daily usage over the past 12-month period.
  • Your consumption patterns
    When you use electricity can be another factor in your choice. Historically, the typical residential customer who paid TOU prices has used nearly two-thirds of their power at off-peak times – the time when the lowest TOU price applies. The other third of their power used was typically split equally between on- and mid-peak times. Look at the Electricity line of your bill to see how much power you use in each of the three TOU price periods.
  • Seasonal changes and time of year
    TOU price periods and Tier thresholds change with the seasons and are different during the winter (November 1 – April 30) and summer (May 1 – October 31) periods. Does the amount of electricity you use and when you use it change based on the season?
  • Lifestyle and daily habits
    Are you often home during the day on weekdays, so shifting your usage is more challenging? Do you have large appliances that you need to run during the day on weekdays? Can you shift more of that usage to nighttime or weekend hours?


How do I make the switch?

If you’re currently a Time-of-Use customer, or you don’t want to make a switch, you don’t need to do anything.

However, if a change in pricing plan will be beneficial to you, it is quick and easy to make the change. Please select one of these options to make the switch:

  • Switch through My Account:
    If you’re a Kitchener or Wilmot resident, visit My Account to make the switch.If you’re a Waterloo, Wellesley, or Woolwich resident, make the switch through this online portal.Please follow these instructions to switch your pricing plan:- Login to My Account
    – Click the “Price Comparison” option
    – Select  “Change My Rate Plan”
    – On the next screen you will be shown your new plan, click “Submit Change Request” and you’re all finished

When you switch your price plan, the new rates will be applied on your next bill cycle. Your bill cycle date can be found on your Enova bill.