We want artists in Grades 1-6 to create an indoor safety-themed work of art.
Submit your work of art and you could win a gift card and an Enova prize pack.
Submissions can include videos, songs, drawings, posters, and stories.
If you can create it, we’ll accept it!
Ready to submit your entry? Complete our online entry form.
How are the winners selected, and what do I receive?
If you’re selected as a winner, you’ll receive a $50 Indigo gift card and a special Enova prize pack.
Enova could use your art on social media, Enova’s website, bill inserts, advertisements, and safety presentations.
Winners will be selected in the following age groups:
You can submit any work of art you create, including:
If you can dream it up, we’ll accept it.
Entering the contest is quick and easy:
We’ll also pick up the submissions and entry forms from your classroom. Send a note to artcontest@enovapower.com and we’ll stop in and pick them up.
Due to file size concerns, video files should be shared through a downloadable link rather than as an email attachment.
This year’s theme is “indoor electrical safety.”
Indoor electrical safety includes:
Visit our indoor electrical safety webpage for more information, tips, and tools. For more electrical safety information, check out our animated Lucky the Squirrel videos, like the one below.
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Site design by Big Creative
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