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Innovation At Work

Enova Power Corp. (Enova) is driving what’s next in energy and sustainability for the communities we serve and beyond. We’re proud to be an industry leader in innovative projects and partnerships and through recent projects, we’ve embraced and harnessed new technologies to push the energy sector forward while also decreasing our impact on the environment

Survalent Framework and Demonstration of Multi-Model Project

Survalent, a utility solutions provider, is leading a project to help create Canada’s first multi-market information platform. Partnering with several Ontario utilities, including Enova, Survalent aims to introduce a platform that will provide electrical utilities with a detailed understanding of the local energy sources within their system, including solar and wind power and provide real-time supply and consumption information to help utilities plan for changes in the electricity market.

The project will result in improved system reliability for customers and allow for more renewable energy opportunities for businesses and organizations within Enova’s service territory and across Ontario.

This project is supported through the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) Grid Innovation Fund and contributions from other participating partners. 

For more information on this project, please click here or see the video announcement here.

Innovia Geo-Pile Research Project

Enova is proud to partner with Innovia GEO, as well as Grand River Energy, Pileworks, WalterFedy, Ryerson University, and HMC to complete the GEO-Pile Demonstration project at the Eby Rush Transformer Station.

The demonstration is the first of its kind to test Innovia’s novel geo-piles.

Geo-piles are a new type of in-ground heat exchanger. They utilize existing structural equipment to replace conventional geothermal equipment – yielding two building functions from the same installation cost. 

The piles have several benefits, including: 

  • Improving the reliability of thermal energy systems, while reducing the energy demand.
  • Opportunity for smart building integration with a custom control system and monitoring.
  • Increased property value through the creation of on-site thermal energy generation system.  

The project at the Eby Rush Transformer station features a geo-pile array that has been installed to provide heating and cooling to our station building,

In addition to its benefits for the building, the site will also act as a state-of-the-art research centre. The site has a loop geothermal system so the performance of the two systems can be easily compared in a controlled environment by using the same building, site, and climate.

Data collected at the site will be used in ongoing academic research and will help with the development of novel control strategies to further improve the efficiency and sustainability of geo-pile systems.

This project is another example of Enova embracing geothermal energy projects, which have previously been utilized at the Waterloo office, and in other sub-stations across Enova’s service territory.

For more information, please visit


Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration Project (FLISR)

Enova, and its two legacy utilities, has always been an industry-leader in electricity reliability and embracing new technologies to help improve service to all of its customers. The utility’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) and FLISR project have positioned Enova to continue lowering the frequency and severity of unplanned power outages across our service territory.

FLISR led to a 33 percent decrease in Customer Minutes of Interruption in 2021, resulting in more than 1.357 million minutes of customer interruption saved for residents in Waterloo, Woolwich and Wellesley. Building on the success of this program, Enova is continuing to implement the use of FLISR and the ADMS throughout its service territory.

Operationally, FLISR and the ADMS also provides improved resourced deployment, as a control room operator can more easily isolate faults, allowing them to dispatch resources to more precise locations across smaller areas. In addition to the staffing and cost benefits, FLISR also ensures that restoration times are not impacted nearly as much by the time of day or the day of the week.

What is FLISR?

FLISR allows SCADA-controllable devices to automatically activate when a fault is detected. This activation automatically reroutes power to restore as many customers as quickly as possible after an outage. Later this year, the system will also monitor the network for sudden loss of voltage and attempt to isolate the cause and reroute power to as many customers affected as possible.

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