Continuing a century of superior customer care
Our name has changed, but our high standards of customer care have not. Building on more than a century of outstanding customer care, Enova’s customers and the residents of the City of Kitchener, the City of Waterloo, the Township of Woolwich, the Township of Wilmot and the Township of Wellesley will continue to enjoy the same high-quality service they have come to expect from us. This is evident right from the start of Enova’s operations.
While working to combine systems and processes, there has been no noticeable impact on customer service levels and customer relations. The Victoria Street and Country Squire offices both surpassed the Ontario Energy Board’s Service Quality Indicators for 2022.
Enova’s first customer campaign was an eBilling campaign in support of The Food Bank of Waterloo Region. The campaign resulted in more than 1,300 new eBilling signups and more than 10,000 healthy meals for families in need.
Enova continues to focus on harmonizing policies and practices to ensure a seamless experience for customers.
Proactive communication efforts, including print and digital ad campaigns as well as quarterly eBlasts to residential and small business customers, help provide clarity and information to customers as Enova continues to integrate processes. There has been no noticeable increase in customer calls or inquiries since Enova began operations in September 2022.
Accurate and timely billing remains a priority for Enova. While we are still working to integrate our billing systems, both offices also continued to provide accurate and reliable service to customers. The Country Squire office recorded a 99.9% billing accuracy in 2022.
For the third year in a row, our Victoria Street office was recognized by the Independent Electricity System Operator with the Best in Class Billing Award, a highly technical award that recognizes utilities for overall excellence in billing, including a high billing success rate and low estimation. We earned this distinction while training a team of new staff and learning a new billing system.
1.9 million +
bills issued in 2022
calls answered within 30 seconds
new residential and small business service connections.
new eBilling registrations during the fall eBilling campaign