Connecting with our large customers

As community partners, we’re here to support our large and medium-sized business customers in achieving their energy goals, from benchmarking to fleet electrification and finding real-world solutions in an ever-changing energy landscape.
Enova’s Key Accounts team are the energy experts our customers can turn to for information. Consistent conversations through phone, email and in-person meetings helped Enova gain the trust of our largest customers.
customer interactions.
Our team met face-to-face with customers at their offices and building sites. We completed facility assessments and energy usage reviews to offer educated advice on managing energy consumption and improving processes.
site visits.
We hosted three free webinars and one in-person breakfast event, Webinar topics included an in-depth look at sub-metering, fleet decarbonization, and the Save on Energy Retrofit program.
customers attended at least one of our four events.
Our team worked closely with customers throughout the year, providing personalized, hands-on support for energy efficiency projects and energy management to facility and process electrification and distributed energy resources. We also hosted in-person events and webinars to educate large customers on important electrification challenges and issues faced by larger consumers across the region.